A place in which I record the humorous things said by my favorite tiny humans. Life in 4th grade is my favorite adventure.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Each morning the students come in and start on their 'weekly work' which are assignments they can accomplish independently.

This is organized partly to give me time to get attendance down, and partly due to the fact that I don't communicate well in the mornings... even with the tiny humans... thus leaving me 30 minutes to continue waking up.

On this particular morning, the students were a little overly chatty, and I asked them to quietly return to their desks and resume working. One individual who was overly chatty and out of his seat, I told him he had 4 seconds to get back to work, his response....

"But Miss Ward, I'm just singing a song that is peaceful!"

another kids response:

"We don't want your peaceful songs dude"

My response?


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