A place in which I record the humorous things said by my favorite tiny humans. Life in 4th grade is my favorite adventure.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


i was in a weird mood the other morning and as i was taking morning attendance, i called for any lunch money that needed to be sent to the office. no one responded or said anything, so i said 'how about miss ward appreciation money?

at that they all looked at me oddly and chuckled.
so i said "come on, i surely am worth a million dollars. anybody?"

one kid says, "oh i will bring you a penny tomorrow!"

i say "oh come on, thats all im worth? A PENNY!"

then G, with a grin on his face shouts out: 
"no miss ward, you are definitely worth TWO pennies"
whatever! crazy kids! they dont know what they are talking about!


I was up at the front of the room the other day, preparing for that days math lesson. We were going to review symmetry, and I was cutting out big shapes so they could tell me how many lines of symmetry each shape had. As I was cutting out a crescent moon, I hear a "psst" from the kid in front of me.  I look at him, and smiling he says,

"miss ward, i sure hope you aren't going to moon us!"

you better believe that i wacked him over the head with my stack of papers...
little punk.

don't judge

As we were getting ready to watch an episode of Bill Nye the other day, I started explaining to the kids that I wasn't going to make them take notes, but they need to quietly listen and pay attention. As I finished lecturing them on not talking, one kid raises his hand and I call on him. He begins to say

"seriously guys, it really bugs me when people can't watch movies...without talking during the whole thing"

well the funny part was, that he paused right after saying "when people can't watch movies..."

and one of the quietest kids in the class, literally out of nowwhere shouts

"GEEZ! Don't judge the blind people!"

needless to say, we all looked at him flaberghasted, and died of laughter.
i dont understand their little brains! hahahaha
i seriously have the best job ever :)