A place in which I record the humorous things said by my favorite tiny humans. Life in 4th grade is my favorite adventure.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

may the force be with you

this picture was in our  Time for Kids magazine a while ago.
the kids were scanning the pictures before we discussed and read some of the articles.
I asked if they knew who this statue was of, and one boy eagerly raises his and very enthusiastically says

"its Han Solo of course"

close kid. close.

you just HAVE to marry him!

in order to keep some dignity, i will keep this one simple:

assembly + attractive speaker my age + attractive speaker knowing a majority of the students + 150 fourth graders who know I am single = a VERY interesting afternoon.

you know your life is entertaining when the only people who will set you up are 10 years old. 

Never a dull moment on recess duty

as I was perusing the playground, a 4th grader from another class runs up with enough energy to bounce out of her shoes...

"Miss Ward, are you related to Tyler Ward?" 
       (gasp! I wish!) 
"Because that would be soooooo cool. I know who he is because I have college-aged kids at my house. Also, you should be married....you're like 28 aren't you? Hum, BYE!"

and then as quickly as she came in, she flew away....before I could even utter a peep.